Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Best Dog Food

There are many pet owners who are frustrated, because they are looking for healthier options for their dog. They are tired of their dogs literally being force fed the products that are on the market. These products are being passed off as food. In some cases, the product comes very close to being the type of food that a dog needs. But in most cases, these cans and bags are being deceptively marketed as food. As a matter of fact, there are some products that are so inferior, they actually carry the name 'kibble' in their branding. As a result, there is a movement to give dogs the true food that they need by giving them homemade food. The problem with this is that many people have no clue as to what the best dog food is for their pets.

This leads to another issue for dog owners. In order to find the best dog food for their pets, the pet owner feels that they need to either research the topic on the Internet, or in books. Since most people are too busy and tired for this task, they'd rather simply stick to what they know, which is feeding the dog out of a bag, or out of a can. These pet owners would be glad to know that they have an alternative that would allow their pet to eat food that is appropriate for them. At the same time, this food is packaged and sold in a convenient method that doesn't drain the time resources of the pet owner. This food is called raw dog food. It's packaged and sold frozen. Many manufacturers sell this food in bite sized bits. There is a triple benefit of not only selling this food, but in selling the food in this way.

First, frozen raw dog food is made only from food sources that is suitable for a dogs digestive system. Canines in the wild hunted for their food. Their prey was another animal, and as such, canines ate lean meat, animal organs, and bones. Of course, the domestic dog has evolved from this time, and it has since been proven that dogs can eat many of the same vegetables that humans eat. Not only this, but dogs can eat fish as well. These are the types of foods that make the best dog food for a pet's dietary needs.

The second benefit of a dog eating in this way is in the way the food is packaged. It's often portioned into bite sized pieces, and then frozen solid. The intent is to give the animal the frozen food, so that they can gnaw on it. When the dog gnaws on their frozen bits of food, their teeth will naturally get the cleaning and polishing that they need. Canines in the wild naturally sharpened their teeth on the bones of their prey. Not only will the frozen food sharpen the teeth, but the bones in these dog food bits act to do the same. Sharp and polished teeth are white and healthy teeth. All of this reduces dental issues for the dog.

The third benefit of a dog eating frozen raw dog food is that the dog is forced to eat slowly. Usually, the average domesticated dog gobbles down their kibble or mush. This causes all sorts of digestive issues in the dog, such as indigestion, constipation, gas, and nausea. On the other hand, when the dog is forced to eat its food slower, the dog will be able to digest its food properly. Their digestive issues will clear up. Nutrients from the food will be absorbed properly. The dog will be able to fight off disease and allergies.

With all of the health benefits that will come to a dog that is fed a frozen raw food diet, it's very obvious why this is the best dog food for one's pet.

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