Thursday, October 6, 2011

Act Now! Use Raw Dog Food Recipes to Feed Your Dog

Act Now! Use Raw Dog Food Recipes to Feed Your Dog

With so many benefits being talked about with canned and dry dog food these days, you might have a hard time deciding to feed raw foods to your dog. However, with raw dog food being readily available today, it is quite easy to do. You need to stop and think how natural it is for dogs to prefer raw over cooked foods. Did you know you do not need to feed your canine the same raw foods each day? Dogs like their meals varied just like people do. It is also easier to provide all the nutrition they need if you do offer different food during the week.

There are many recipes for raw dog food online today, because so many have been willing to share their positive experiences with changing their pets to a raw diet. An effective way to give your dog variety in food is to develop a menu just like you do to feed your family. This way you can always know what you are going to be giving him to eat next. The secret to doing this correctly is with organization and this holds true for people of dogs.

One huge benefit to making a menu in regards to your dog's food is the fact that you will know what to purchase for a whole week of meals, along with being able to stock up and purchase in bulk during sales. With using your menu to do your shopping, you will be able to easily purchase all the meals you need for the whole week.

Another benefit of making a menu for a week or two at a time is being able to see if your canine companion is consuming all the nutrients it needs. As an example of this, you might notice you are going too heavy on the meat and not including enough vegetables. With a menu made up you can clearly see where the adjustments need to be made.

You should consider your dog's age when figuring out the menu for the raw food. There are recipes that suggest pureeing the food for puppies, which have just been weaned, along with older dogs, because they cannot chew as well. Also know the size of portions your particular dog needs. You never want to overfeed or underfeed your dog.

Avoid any recipes that mention cooking anything. This is especially true for bones, which should never be fed to the dog once cooked. Bones that have been cooked are too brittle for the dog to digest, however, served raw they will digest effectively in your dog's stomach. Also cooking food can deplete the enzymes, minerals and vitamins in it.

Remember you can alter any of the raw dog foods you find to fit your dog's needs. You can also vary the food nicely by using the menus. You will see that your pooch will love the raw food you are feeding them


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  2. Really this is a delicious food for dog. A nutritious, balanced diet is essential to keeping your dog healthy. Thank you for sharing this information. See more at homemade dog treats


  3. I'm certain my dogs would love these do-it-yourself treats! I've had issues with "doggie halitosis" before, and i am pretty certain that parsley helps lots. They sound very easy to create too. many thanks for sharing this direction. BTW, bailey is trying completely adorable! See more at homemade dog treats
